Wiley Real Focus: How to Manage Your Life Load So You Can Start Living Your Life

  • Wiley Real Focus: How to Manage Your Life Load So You Can Start Living Your Life

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Online sinds
23 november 2018




How are you today? We would hazard a guess that your answer will be along the lines of "I&rsquo;m so busy", "I feel so frazzled", or "what-am-I-doing-even reading-this-book, I&rsquo;ve got so much to do!"However, we also suspect that you know in your heart of hearts, that life&rsquo;s not supposed to feel like this. You&rsquo;re not supposed to feel like you&rsquo;re in a hamster wheel that you can&rsquo;t get off; that life is a 'whirlwind' or 'one never-ending To Do list'. You know there has to be another way - but what is it?Well here it is: Real Focus. We suspect that the reason you&rsquo;re reading this book is because you feel your lack of focus is causing you problems in your life. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by how much you have to do every day in the time available; or you&rsquo;re unclear about your goals and what you really want. Maybe you&rsquo;re sick of getting to the end of another 'manic' day and thinking, what have I actually achieved?You probably look at other people and think they&rsquo;ve got it all worked out (we can pretty much guarantee, they haven&rsquo;t.) At the end of the day though, this isn&rsquo;t about anyone else, it&rsquo;s about you. It&rsquo;s about creating a life which allows you the time and space to do everything that matters, and spend time with those that matter too. So what do people with real focus do that you don&rsquo;t? What habits do they have?Real focus is:<ul><li>'Curating' the best life for you: knowing what&rsquo;s important to you - doing less, but more of the things that matter</li><li>Playing to your strengths and doing what you love </li><li>Devoting time to thinking how to change things </li><li>Not over-committing yourself </li><li>Giving regular, focused attention to the things you want to happen </li><li>Having systems </li><li>You both having time to work, love and play. </li></ul>Real Focus, in a nutshell is: doing what matters. It&rsquo;s kind of simple and yet tricky all at the same time! What matters, is that you&rsquo;ve identified you want things to change and you&rsquo;ve started the ball rolling. The good news is, anybody can achieve it when they know how and this book is the right step.



Online sinds
23 november 2018

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